Welcome to
"Hail, fellow Changeling! I am Maya bint Numair, bard of the
Seelie Court, and I bid you welcome to SilverWood, the realm of our
most gracious lord, Duke Arislan of House Fiona. Please avail
yourself of our hospitality...I am sure you will find your stay a
pleasant one. So, come in, and enjoy yourself!"
Perchance to Dream... is a Chronicle for
Changeling: The Dreaming. Set in the Changeling duchy of SilverWood, Virginia, it follows the adventures of a
group of Changelings of the duchy as they discover the world of
the Dreaming.
Here is a list of the Player Characters (both past and present) who've participated in this Chronicle:
Alan Tarvos: Seelie Grump Satyr artist (played by Chris Church)
Gecko: Seelie Wilder Sluagh Goth (played by Jeni Pleskow)
Jamie St. James: Seelie Wilder Pooka gambler (played by Nick Logue)
Flaxen: Seelie Wilder Sidhe outdoorswoman (played by Dawnmarie Fowler)
Reidar: Seelie Wilder Troll carpenter (played by Ryan Bowers)
Kyle McConaghey: Metis Caelican Bastet musician (played by Seth Ruskin)
Sir Darius Stormfront: Seelie Grump Troll police officer (played by Seth Ruskin)
Lady Ylanna of House Fiona: Seelie Wilder Sidhe private detective (played by Caroline Elliott)
Haunt: Seelie Wilder Nocker bicycle messenger (played by Ian Blumenfeld)
Squire Wayland Smith of House Dougal: Seelie Wilder Sidhe squire (played by Joshua Peryea)
Victoria Blackwell: Seelie Wilder Sluagh poetess (played by Jennifer Konkle)
Gabriella Dawntreader: Seelie Wilder Troll bodyguard (played by Jennifer Konkle)
Malcolm McGrath: Seelie Wilder Satyr playboy (played by Andrew B. Chatterton)
To learn more about the game, just follow these links:
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Copyright © 2000 Midori M. Hirtzel
Last revised---July 28, 2000
Midori M. Hirtzel-Church