A Learning Experience: Turn Summaries
- Chapter One, Turn One
- Chapter One, Turn Two
- Chapter One, Turn Three
- Chapter One, Turn Four
- Chapter One, Turn Five
- Chapter One, Turn Six (Part 1)
- Chapter One, Turn Six (Part 2)
- Chapter One, Turn Seven
- Chapter One, Turn Eight
- Chapter One, Turn Nine
- Chapter One, Turn Ten (Part 1)
- Chapter One, Turn Ten (Part 2)
- Chapter One, Turn Eleven (Part 1)
These scenes take place outside the normal Turn Summaries, but
illustrate what else in going on in the game world, giving things a sense
of scope and setting up for further plot developments or revealing other facets
of the characters. Thus, I am happy to include them here.
The Interludes are arranged in chronological order, using the
in-character time frame of the game. For ease of reference, each one includes
a note explaining where they fit into the overall sequence of events in the
- Interlude One: A freshman at Larry K.
Dixon reflects on the incident at the Opening Day Assembly after school.
Occurs Wednesday, September 4, at 5:30 pm (after Chapter One, Turn Two)
- Interlude Two: A student has a mysterious
encounter. Occurs Thursday, September 5, at 7:40 am (during Chapter One,
Turn Three)
- Interlude Three: Trevor and Niko share
a conversation after the meeting in the headmistress' office. Occurs Thursday,
September 5, at 3:20 pm (the end of Chapter One, Turn Three)
- Interlude Four: Bela Katwaroo arrives
at Larry K. Dixon. Occurs Friday, September 6, at 7:35 am (during Chapter
One, Turn Six [Part One])
- Interlude Five: The fae members of the
faculty discuss their concerns about a mortal student who is perceiving
more than he should be. Occurs Friday, September 6, at 12:35 pm (during
Chapter One, Turn Six [Part One])
- Interlude Six: Bela learns about one of
the student organizations and comes up with a story for the school paper.
Occurs after school on Friday, September 6 (after Chapter One, Turn Six
[Part Two])
- Interlude Seven: Emmet and Valeria have
a conversation with Mr. Ravenscroft about the odd goings-on at school.
Occurs after school Friday, September 6 (after Chapter One, Turn Six [Part
- Interlude Eight: An interlude between
Emmet and his companion, Andromeda. Occurs during the weekend of September
6 to September 8 (between Chapter One, Turn Six [Part Two] and Chapter
One, Turn Seven)
- Interlude Nine: Trevor, his friends, the
popular students, and a nuclear missile -- what's going on here? Occurs
on Monday, September 9 (during Chapter One, Turn Seven)
This web page copyright 2002 by Midori Hirtzel-Church.
This page first posted -- October 9, 2002
First uploaded to mirror site -- January 10, 2003
Last updated -- June 13,
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