It's been a while since I've written. I've helped capture the falcon pooka responsible for a number of attacks on various ladies - including Niamh. As part of that adventure I and the two Gywdion Barons & Sir Gregory seem to have discovered- via Kieran's reactions- that the Lady Raven had been staying with Sir Kellin. Luckily, Lady Alexandria accepted my offer to tell Llew.

First I talked to Kieran and Ceilidh. I've been training together with them since I "volunteered" myself by being Sir Kellin's distraction when Llew was going to be late for his lessons. Anyway, we all hit the squires' shower after lessons. I take a cold shower 'cause as sidhe they're both quite alluring and also cold water doesn't make my bruises hurt more. I can see why Kieran has got the hots for Ceilidh. While we were drying off and getting dressed, I asked about via Kieran's reactions and if Sir Kellin was harboring Lady Raven. They more or less ‘fessed up, and we all went to see Sir Kellin.

Sir Kellin eventually agreed to tell Llew, but in the meantime, he asked some rather awkward questions. Luckily, I don't think he's put things together. He did figure out his raven made me nervous, but thankfully he doesn't know why. The raven, "Dar", has agreed not to tell, and I've agreed not to tell about how Dar hasn't always been a raven.

Then there's the two voodoo dolls one of the boggans found tied together with a red ribbon. I'm quite sure they're Llew and Shari. I want to know who and why someone did this. Horribly, the only real suspect so far is Shari. Lady Alexandria has people looking into it, but this is much too important to be left up to her. I've enlisted the aid of a magician I met because he delivers books to Niamh. His name is Derrick Ryan, and he's rather cute. There seems to be an outside chance he's related to Sir Kellin...

Derrick has admitted the matter is beyond his level of expertise, but he has a father and a grandfather who are both experienced magicians. Derrick eventually explained that while he has lots of potential, he can't really control it all yet. Which is how he nearly scared the crap out of me by asking why I was ashamed of what I am. Thankfully, he assured me he wouldn't tell anyone, even before I gave him the story. I like him, and think I can trust his word. It's a shame he's not into guys - though to read between the line of what he said, I think he's never tried anything - so he might be willing someday. Well, even if he's straight as an arrow, and least he's not one of those weird paranoid guys - he had no trouble sleeping in with me in my bed. Which meant I didn't have to command a boggan to get a room ready - I still feel somewhat awkward ordering people around - and I didn't have to sleep alone. Since my chrysalis, I've discovered that I like having someone sleep with me - even if sex isn't involved.

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This web page copyright © 2001 by Midori Hirtzel-Church. Original text copyright © 1999, 2001 by Christopher Church. Changeling: The Dreaming copyright © 1997 by White Wolf Game Studios. No copyright infringement is intended. All characters are copyright © 2001 their respective creators.