Countess Rhiannon of House Eiluned: Ruler of Darkwater. Unseelie Wilder Sidhe.
Lady Melantha of House Eiluned: Court Mage and advisor to Countess Rhiannon. Unseelie Grump Sidhe.
Ysolde Nyx: Goth musician, information broker and Changeling-about-town. Unseelie Wilder Eshu.
Victor Donatelli: Ysolde’s bodyguard. Unseelie Grump Troll.
Paine: Gang leader. Wilder Beastie.
Jessica "Carnage": Gang member and hired thug. Unseelie Wilder Redcap.
Trevor "Sweetie" McGee: Hired thug and information broker. Unseelie Grump Sluagh.
Siva: Dominatrix and would-be member of the Shadow Court. Unseelie Wilder Satyr.
Rahne of House Gwydion: Leader of the Black Rose. Unseelie Wilder Sidhe.
Seline of House Eiluned: Member of the Black Rose. Unseelie Wilder Sidhe.
Moira: Member of the Black Rose. Unseelie Wilder Troll.
Kit: Thief and member of the Black Rose. Unseelie Wilder Pooka.
Copyright © 1997 by Midori M. Hirtzel
New---September 23, 1997
Midori M. Hirtzel